Report date: Jan 21,2025 Conflict count: 358585 Publisher: Christian Literature Fund Title count: 1 Conflict count: 2 ========================================================== Created: 2021-07-13 01:26:33 ConfID: 6087757 CauseID: 1503020116 OtherID: 1502326234 JT: Stellenbosch Theological Journal MD: Pietersen,7,1,,2021,YHWH’s mouthpiece to the exiles : a Jeremianic turn of hope DOI: 10.17570/stj.2021.v7n1.a06(Journal) (6087757-N) DOI: 10.17570/stj.2021.v7n1.a06.(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2021-06-30 01:21:48 ConfID: 6083643 CauseID: 1502076478 OtherID: 1497539598 JT: Stellenbosch Theological Journal MD: Dickie,7,1,,2021,Practising healthy theology in the local church : Lamenting with those in pain and restoring hope DOI: 10.17570/stj.2021.v7n1.a3(Journal) (6083643-N) DOI: 10.17570/stj.2021.v7n1.a02(Journal)