Report date: Jan 21,2025 Conflict count: 358585 Publisher: Badan Kebijakan Pembangunan Kesehatan Title count: 8 Conflict count: 39 ========================================================== Created: 2018-01-04 23:14:00 ConfID: 5312577 CauseID: 1419754513 OtherID: 1419754375 JT: Health Science Journal of Indonesia MD: Subangkit,8,1,,2017,Detection of Genotype D8 Measles Virus in Indonesia in 2014 DOI: 10.22435/hsji.v8i1.6445.(Journal) (5312577-N) DOI: 10.22435/hsji.v8i1.6445.7-11(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2018-01-04 23:13:51 ConfID: 5312576 CauseID: 1419754510 OtherID: 1419753346 JT: Health Science Journal of Indonesia MD: Sitanggang,8,1,,2017,Serologic observation and risk factor of yaws in Hamadi Public Health Center, Jayapura DOI: 10.22435/hsji.v8i1.6387.(Journal) (5312576-N) DOI: 10.22435/hsji.v8i1.6387.25-29(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2018-01-04 23:14:19 ConfID: 5312579 CauseID: 1419754519 OtherID: 1419753908 JT: Health Science Journal of Indonesia MD: Saptawati,8,1,,2017,In vitro study of eight Indonesian plants extracts as anti Dengue virus DOI: 10.22435/hsji.v8i1.6601.(Journal) (5312579-N) DOI: 10.22435/hsji.v8i1.6601.12-18(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2018-01-04 23:14:09 ConfID: 5312578 CauseID: 1419754515 OtherID: 1419753903 JT: Health Science Journal of Indonesia MD: Anggraini,8,1,,2017,Polymorphism Analysis of the Coagulase Gene in Isolates of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus with AluI Restriction Sites DOI: 10.22435/hsji.v8i1.6865.(Journal) (5312578-N) DOI: 10.22435/hsji.v8i1.6865.1-6(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2018-01-04 23:14:36 ConfID: 5312581 CauseID: 1419754528 OtherID: 1419753916 JT: Health Science Journal of Indonesia MD: Hutabarat,8,1,,2017,Total working period and other risk factors related to eating protein foods habits among civil pilots in Indonesia DOI: 10.22435/hsji.v8i1.5346.(Journal) (5312581-N) DOI: 10.22435/hsji.v8i1.5346.43-48(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2018-01-04 23:14:27 ConfID: 5312580 CauseID: 1419754524 OtherID: 1419753915 JT: Health Science Journal of Indonesia MD: Banggai,8,1,,2017,Association between hemoconcentration and longer hospitalization day of dengue patients DOI: 10.22435/hsji.v8i1.6434.(Journal) (5312580-N) DOI: 10.22435/hsji.v8i1.6434.19-24(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2018-01-04 23:14:44 ConfID: 5312582 CauseID: 1419754533 OtherID: 1419753918 JT: Health Science Journal of Indonesia MD: Hidayat,8,1,,2017,Flight hours within 7 days and risk of fatigue on the civilian pilots in Indonesia DOI: 10.22435/hsji.v8i1.6804.(Journal) (5312582-N) DOI: 10.22435/hsji.v8i1.6804.53-58(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2018-01-04 23:07:41 ConfID: 5312573 CauseID: 1419754216 OtherID: 1419753336 JT: Health Science Journal of Indonesia MD: Nurhayati,8,1,,2017,The use of traditional health care among Indonesian Family DOI: 10.22435/hsji.v8i1.5600.(Journal) (5312573-N) DOI: 10.22435/hsji.v8i1.5600.30-35(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2018-01-04 23:13:42 ConfID: 5312575 CauseID: 1419754508 OtherID: 1419753344 JT: Health Science Journal of Indonesia MD: Ariani,8,1,,2017,Flight hours of unplanned flight and other risk factors affecting exercise habit among commercial pilots in Indonesia DOI: 10.22435/hsji.v8i1.5341.(Journal) (5312575-N) DOI: 10.22435/hsji.v8i1.5341.36-42(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2018-01-04 23:13:34 ConfID: 5312574 CauseID: 1419754496 OtherID: 1419753340 JT: Health Science Journal of Indonesia MD: Wicaksana,8,1,,2017,Flight Hours in 7 Consecutive Days and Physical Exercise among the Civil Pilot in Indonesia DOI: 10.22435/hsji.v8i1.5352.(Journal) (5312574-N) DOI: 10.22435/hsji.v8i1.5352.49-52(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2018-01-05 01:48:39 ConfID: 5312622 CauseID: 1419757764 OtherID: 1419757733 JT: Health Science Journal of Indonesia MD: Hapsari,8,2,,2017,Early Warning Alert and Response System (EWARS) in Indonesia: Highlight From The First Years of Implementation, 2009-2011 DOI: 10.22435/hsji.v8i2.7572.(Journal) (5312622-N) DOI: 10.22435/hsji.v8i2.7572.81-87(Journal)