Report date: Jan 21,2025 Conflict count: 358585 Publisher: Clinical Health Promotion Centre Title count: 1 Conflict count: 5 ========================================================== Created: 2019-10-04 07:02:16 ConfID: 5529122 CauseID: 1455604405 OtherID: 1455272856 JT: Clinical Health Promotion - Research and Best Practice for patients staff and community MD: Ghith,2,3,111,2012,Impact of compliance on quit rates in a smoking cessation intervention: population study in Denmark DOI: 10.29102/clinhp.12016(Journal) (5529122-N) DOI: 10.29102/clinhp.12017(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2022-01-24 04:21:44 ConfID: 6421495 CauseID: 1518823999 OtherID: 1420860388 JT: Clinical Health Promotion - Research and Best Practice for patients staff and community MD: Skaarup,5,3,74,2015,Experience of pain and lifestyle risk factors DOI: 10.29102/clinhp.150011(Journal) (6421495-N) DOI: 10.29102/clinhp.15011(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2022-04-06 07:28:52 ConfID: 6463252 CauseID: 1525892555 OtherID: 1525892026 JT: Clinical Health Promotion - Research and Best Practice for patients staff and community MD: Simonelli,3,3,90,2013,Female genital mutilation between culture and health: a quanti-qualitative study DOI: 10.29102/clinhp.13011(Journal) (6463252-N) DOI: 10.29102/clinhp.13012(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2022-01-24 04:21:44 ConfID: 6421494 CauseID: 1518823999 OtherID: 1420860388 JT: Clinical Health Promotion - Research and Best Practice for patients staff and community MD: Rasmussen,5,3,67,2015,Pregnant smokers: Potential for improvement of intervention DOI: 10.29102/clinhp.150010(Journal) (6421494-N) DOI: 10.29102/clinhp.15010(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2022-01-24 04:21:44 ConfID: 6421496 CauseID: 1518823999 OtherID: 1420860388 JT: Clinical Health Promotion - Research and Best Practice for patients staff and community MD: Arlebrink,5,3,81,2015,Ethical and existential aspects of lifestyle changes DOI: 10.29102/clinhp.150012(Journal) (6421496-N) DOI: 10.29102/clinhp.15012(Journal)