Report date: Jan 21,2025 Conflict count: 358585 Publisher: Bilingual Publishing Group Title count: 7 Conflict count: 21 ========================================================== Created: 2021-05-18 05:39:27 ConfID: 6066284 CauseID: 1498839657 OtherID: 1478777048 JT: Journal of Business Administration Research MD: Costa,3,1,,2020,Accountant and Accounting beyond Jokes: an Analysis of Cartoons (1925-2003) DOI: 10.30564/jbar.v1i3.1725(Journal) (6066284-N) DOI: 10.30564/jbar.v3i1.1725(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2021-05-18 04:49:06 ConfID: 6066272 CauseID: 1498837363 OtherID: 1478777048 JT: Journal of Business Administration Research MD: Chek,3,1,,2020,Comparative Analysis of DMO Website Features: A Case Study of Three Asian Tourism Destinations DOI: 10.30564/jbar.v1i3.1020(Journal) (6066272-N) DOI: 10.30564/jbar.v3i1.1020(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2021-05-18 04:49:06 ConfID: 6066273 CauseID: 1498837363 OtherID: 1478777048 JT: Journal of Business Administration Research MD: Khan,3,1,,2020,Mutual Funds Performance (A Case of Pakistan Open Ended Mutual Funds) DOI: 10.30564/jbar.v1i3.1554(Journal) (6066273-N) DOI: 10.30564/jbar.v3i1.1554(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2021-05-18 04:49:06 ConfID: 6066274 CauseID: 1498837363 OtherID: 1478777048 JT: Journal of Business Administration Research MD: Bachioua,3,1,,2020,Total Quality Management at Algerian Higher Education Institutions to Promote Our Roles in Comprehensive Development DOI: 10.30564/jbar.v1i3.1425(Journal) (6066274-N) DOI: 10.30564/jbar.v3i1.1425(Journal)