Report date: Jan 21,2025 Conflict count: 358585 Publisher: Bilingual Publishing Group Title count: 7 Conflict count: 21 ========================================================== Created: 2021-11-30 22:16:21 ConfID: 6368761 CauseID: 1514112028 OtherID: 1461165367 JT: Journal of Marine Science MD: Anton,1,1,,2019,Analysis of the Mamaia Bay shoreline Retreat with Hard and Soft Protection Works DOI: 10.30564/jmsr.v1i1.490(Journal) (6368761-N) DOI: 10.30564/jms.v1i1.490(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2021-11-30 22:16:21 ConfID: 6368763 CauseID: 1514112028 OtherID: 1461165367 JT: Journal of Marine Science MD: French,1,2,,2019,Managing Tidal Inlets DOI: 10.30564/jmsr.v1i2.850(Journal) (6368763-N) DOI: 10.30564/jms.v1i2.850(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2021-11-30 22:16:21 ConfID: 6368762 CauseID: 1514112028 OtherID: 1461165367 JT: Journal of Marine Science MD: ShieaAli,1,1,,2019,Study of the Effective Factors on Shelf Currents in the Southern Caspian Sea DOI: 10.30564/jmsr.v1i1.550(Journal) (6368762-N) DOI: 10.30564/jms.v1i1.550(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2021-11-30 22:16:21 ConfID: 6368765 CauseID: 1514112028 OtherID: 1461165367 JT: Journal of Marine Science MD: Subramaniam,1,2,,2019,Hydro-environmental Characteristics of Seawater around Boubyan Island, Kuwait Using Annual Variations of Seawater Temperature, Salinity and Tide Fluctuations DOI: 10.30564/jmsr.v1i2.1000(Journal) (6368765-N) DOI: 10.30564/jms.v1i2.1000(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2021-11-30 22:16:21 ConfID: 6368764 CauseID: 1514112028 OtherID: 1461165367 JT: Journal of Marine Science MD: Maung,1,2,,2019,Reproductive Biology of Splendid Ponyfish Leiognathus splendens (Cuvier, 1829) in Myeik Coastal Waters, Myanmar DOI: 10.30564/jmsr.v1i2.923(Journal) (6368764-N) DOI: 10.30564/jms.v1i2.923(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2021-11-30 22:16:21 ConfID: 6368766 CauseID: 1514112028 OtherID: 1461165367 JT: Journal of Marine Science MD: Liu,1,2,,2019,Evaluation and Research Analysis of Marine Ecological Suitability DOI: 10.30564/jmsr.v1i2.1206(Journal) (6368766-N) DOI: 10.30564/jms.v1i2.1206(Journal)