Report date: Jan 21,2025 Conflict count: 358585 Publisher: Australian Tactical Medical Association Title count: 1 Conflict count: 2 ========================================================== Created: 2019-02-03 18:21:30 ConfID: 5451069 CauseID: 1438518311 OtherID: 1438517934 JT: Journal of Hight Threat & Austere Medicine MD: Delport,1,1,1,2019,Insidious bleeding; the danger of complacency: Case Report DOI: 10.33553/jhtam.v1i1.002(Journal) (5451069-N) DOI: 10.33553/jhtam.v1i1.9(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2019-02-03 18:21:28 ConfID: 5451068 CauseID: 1438518309 OtherID: 1438517929 JT: Journal of Hight Threat & Austere Medicine MD: Makrides,1,1,1,2019,Australian Tactical Medical Association and the Journal of High Threat & Austere Medicine: A joint initiative to progress a niche subspecialty of medicine DOI: 10.33553/jhtam.v1i1.001(Journal) (5451068-N) DOI: 10.33553/jhtam.v1i1.8(Journal)