Report date: Jan 21,2025 Conflict count: 358585 Publisher: BOHR Publishers Title count: 12 Conflict count: 32 ========================================================== Created: 2024-02-07 04:44:08 ConfID: 7203716 CauseID: 1610874321 OtherID: 1548377736 JT: BOHR International Journal of Engineering MD: Kachroo,1,1,1,2022,Tire Road Surface Conditions and 2D Curve Analysis Based Development of Surrogate Safety Measures DOI: 10.54646/bije.001(Journal) (7203716-N) DOI: 10.54646/bije.2022.01(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-02-07 05:10:47 ConfID: 7203739 CauseID: 1610877524 OtherID: 1550314599 JT: BOHR International Journal of Engineering MD: Lanje,1,1,18,2022,A Sensing Approach for Automated and Real-Time Crop Prediction in the Scope of Smart Farming DOI: 10.54646/bije.004(Journal) (7203739-N) DOI: 10.54646/bije.2022.04(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2024-02-07 06:05:58 ConfID: 7203797 CauseID: 1610883798 OtherID: 1559432399 JT: BOHR International Journal of Engineering MD: Sumariya,2,1,1,2023,Hospital Recommender System DOI: 10.54646/bije.011(Journal) (7203797-N) DOI: 10.54646/bije.2023.11(Journal)