Report date: Jan 21,2025 Conflict count: 358585 Publisher: Brieflands Title count: 39 Conflict count: 238 ========================================================== Created: 2015-04-20 10:43:30 ConfID: 4029090 CauseID: 1378386226 OtherID: 1378386201 JT: Jentashapir Journal of Health Research MD: Mottaghi,6,2,,2015,Quality of Life and Its Predictors Among Iranian Patients With Rheumatoid Arthritis: A Systematic Review DOI: 10.5812/jjhr.24636(Journal) (4029090-N) DOI: 10.5812/jjhr.6(2)2015.24636(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2017-02-21 08:57:47 ConfID: 5207192 CauseID: 1402549886 OtherID: 1400839407 JT: Jentashapir Journal of Health Research MD: Makvandi,in press,in press,,2017,Study on Anti-Hepatitis B Surface Antibody Titer and Specific Interferon Gamma Response Among Dentists DOI: 10.17795/jjhr-37477(Journal) (5207192-N) DOI: 10.5812/jjhr.37477(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2015-09-06 01:51:17 ConfID: 4971330 CauseID: 1384081785 OtherID: 1381264793 JT: Jentashapir Journal of Health Research MD: Rahimi,6,4,,2015,Nurses’ Opinion About Euthanasia in East Azerbaijan Province, Iran DOI: 10.5812/jjhr.22836v2(Journal) (4971330-N) DOI: 10.17795/jjhr-22836(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2015-09-06 02:07:18 ConfID: 4971353 CauseID: 1384082738 OtherID: 1381332896 JT: Jentashapir Journal of Health Research MD: Zakavi,6,4,,2015,The Effect of an Eight-Week Rope Skipping Exercise Program on Interleukin-10 and C-Reactive Protein in Overweight and Obese Adolescents DOI: 10.5812/jjhr.24720v2(Journal) (4971353-N) DOI: 10.17795/jjhr-24720(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2015-09-06 02:04:21 ConfID: 4971352 CauseID: 1384082420 OtherID: 1381304008 JT: Jentashapir Journal of Health Research MD: Riahi,6,7,,2015,Prevalence of Comorbid Psychiatric Disorders in Children and Adolescents With Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder DOI: 10.5812/jjhr.25662v2(Journal) (4971352-N) DOI: 10.17795/jjhr-25662(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2015-09-06 02:01:09 ConfID: 4971351 CauseID: 1384082145 OtherID: 1381328681 JT: Jentashapir Journal of Health Research MD: Zamani,6,4,,2015,Evaluation of the Status of Iran’s Scientific Production Concerning “Ramadan Fasting” in the Health Field Using PubMed and the Scopus Databases From Beginning to 2015: A Letter to the Editor DOI: 10.5812/jjhr.29591v2(Journal) (4971351-N) DOI: 10.17795/jjhr-29591(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2015-09-06 01:56:37 ConfID: 4971350 CauseID: 1384081997 OtherID: 1381176869 JT: Jentashapir Journal of Health Research MD: Motamedi,6,4,,2015,Tagetes erecta, A Potential Medicinal Plant for Discovering a New Antibacterial Agent DOI: 10.5812/jjhr.29744(Journal) (4971350-N) DOI: 10.17795/jjhr-29744(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2015-06-14 06:26:43 ConfID: 4067699 CauseID: 1380657742 OtherID: 1378375280 JT: Jentashapir Journal of Health Research MD: Golchin,6,2,,2015,HFE Mutations C282Y and H63D in Iranian Population With Type 2 Diabetes DOI: 10.5812/jjhr.24659(Journal) (4067699-N) DOI: 10.5812/jjhr.6(2)2015.24659(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2015-09-06 01:27:50 ConfID: 4971290 CauseID: 1384081187 OtherID: 1381293895 JT: Jentashapir Journal of Health Research MD: Shahbazian,6,4,,2015,Cut-Off Point of Waist Circumference Used for the Diagnosis of Metabolic Syndrome Among Adult Population in Ahvaz, Southwestern Iran DOI: 10.5812/jjhr.30588v2(Journal) (4971290-N) DOI: 10.17795/jjhr-30588(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2015-09-06 01:42:09 ConfID: 4971310 CauseID: 1384081536 OtherID: 1381298160 JT: Jentashapir Journal of Health Research MD: Khorrami,6,6,,2015,Coccygectomy Effects in Patients With Resistant Coccydynia in Ahvaz Hospitals From 2010 to 2014 DOI: 10.5812/jjhr.30591v2(Journal) (4971310-N) DOI: 10.17795/jjhr-30591(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2015-04-23 01:15:10 ConfID: 5057516 CauseID: 1378451350 OtherID: 1378385177 JT: Jentashapir Journal of Health Research MD: Khoshnood,6,2,,2015,Prevalence of Intestinal Parasitic Infections Among People in Baghmalek During 2013 ‒ 2014 DOI: 10.5812/jjhr.24792(Journal) (5057516-N) DOI: 10.5812/jjhr.06(02)2015.24792(Journal) DOI: 10.5812/jjhr.6(2)2015.24792(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2015-10-10 03:14:44 ConfID: 5066227 CauseID: 1386284452 OtherID: 1376401349 JT: Jentashapir Journal of Health Research MD: Shirafkan,6,1,,2015,Multiple Calcifying Hyperplastic Dental Follicles: A Case Report DOI: 10.5812/jjhr.27168(Journal) (5066227-N) DOI: 10.17795/jjhr-27168(Journal)