Report date: Jan 21,2025 Conflict count: 358585 Publisher: Brieflands Title count: 39 Conflict count: 238 ========================================================== Created: 2015-07-27 08:06:26 ConfID: 4938270 CauseID: 1382441397 OtherID: 1378919314 JT: Zahedan Journal of Research in Medical Sciences MD: Abedinzade,17,3,,2015,The Effect of Apple Juice on Antioxidant Enzymes and Lipid Profiles in Orchidectomized Rats DOI: 10.5812/zjrms.1132(Journal) (4938270-N) DOI: 10.17795/zjrms1132(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2015-07-27 08:44:04 ConfID: 4938574 CauseID: 1382443089 OtherID: 1378919289 JT: Zahedan Journal of Research in Medical Sciences MD: Ahmadi,17,3,,2015,The Effects of Acute and Chronic Immobilization Stress and Aloe vera Extract on Serum Levels of TSH, T3 and T4 in Male Rats DOI: 10.5812/zjrms.1133(Journal) (4938574-N) DOI: 10.17795/zjrms1133(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2015-07-27 09:18:06 ConfID: 4044090 CauseID: 1382444756 OtherID: 1377078417 JT: Zahedan Journal of Research in Medical Sciences MD: Ahmadvand,17,3,,2015,Effect of Sodium Selenite on Lipid Peroxidation and Glutathione in Alloxan Induced Diabetic Rats DOI: 10.5812/zjrms.24471(Journal) (4044090-N) DOI: 10.5812/zjrms.1105(Journal) DOI: 10.17795/zjrms1105(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2015-08-01 07:40:59 ConfID: 4939611 CauseID: 1382618609 OtherID: 1378530936 JT: Zahedan Journal of Research in Medical Sciences MD: Farzan,17,4,,2015,Epidemiological Study of Perforation of Gastric Peptic Ulcer in Patients Admitted to Poursina Hospital DOI: 10.5812/zjrms.17(4)2015.982(Journal) (4939611-N) DOI: 10.17795/zjrms982(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2015-08-01 07:30:08 ConfID: 4939610 CauseID: 1382618587 OtherID: 1379430630 JT: Zahedan Journal of Research in Medical Sciences MD: Bashiri,17,4,,2015,The Effect of Regular Aerobic Exercise and Garlic Supplementation on Lipid Profile and Blood Pressure in Inactive Subjects DOI: 10.5812/zjrms.17(4)2015.961(Journal) (4939610-N) DOI: 10.17795/zjrms961(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2015-08-01 07:59:36 ConfID: 4939615 CauseID: 1382618638 OtherID: 1378539170 JT: Zahedan Journal of Research in Medical Sciences MD: Ghasemi,17,4,,2015,The Relationship Between Rural Women’s Health-Related Quality of Life and Domestic Violence DOI: 10.5812/zjrms.17(4)2015.978(Journal) (4939615-N) DOI: 10.17795/zjrms978(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2015-07-27 09:10:46 ConfID: 4938590 CauseID: 1382444277 OtherID: 1378919270 JT: Zahedan Journal of Research in Medical Sciences MD: Zahedifar,17,3,,2015,Effect of Green Tea in Decreasing Electromagnetic Waves Damages DOI: 10.5812/zjrms.955(Journal) (4938590-N) DOI: 10.17795/zjrms955(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2015-08-01 07:57:21 ConfID: 4939614 CauseID: 1382618635 OtherID: 1378542017 JT: Zahedan Journal of Research in Medical Sciences MD: Allah-Gholilo,17,4,,2015,The Association of Alexithymia and Sense of Coherence With Life Satisfaction in Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder DOI: 10.5812/zjrms.17(4)2015.977(Journal) (4939614-N) DOI: 10.17795/zjrms977(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2016-06-14 02:31:25 ConfID: 5143899 CauseID: 1393608343 OtherID: 1392860806 JT: Zahedan Journal of Research in Medical Sciences MD: Ebrahimi,in press,in press,,2016,Overlapping of Sturge-Weber Syndrome and Klippel-Trenaunay Weber Syndrome With Upper Limb Involvement DOI: 10.17795/zjrms-6673(Journal) (5143899-N) DOI: 10.17795/zjrms-7359(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2015-08-01 07:51:32 ConfID: 4939613 CauseID: 1382618626 OtherID: 1378543292 JT: Zahedan Journal of Research in Medical Sciences MD: Bahadori,17,4,,2015,Efficacy of Mixed Attachment Intervention on Postpartum Depression of Women in Isfahan DOI: 10.5812/zjrms.17(4)2015.972(Journal) (4939613-N) DOI: 10.17795/zjrms972(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2015-08-01 07:43:46 ConfID: 4939612 CauseID: 1382618613 OtherID: 1378530994 JT: Zahedan Journal of Research in Medical Sciences MD: Afsari,17,4,,2015,The Effect of Whole-Body Vibration Warm-Up on Performance of Wingate Anaerobic Test DOI: 10.5812/zjrms.17(4)2015.981(Journal) (4939612-N) DOI: 10.17795/zjrms981(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2015-08-01 08:25:27 ConfID: 4939624 CauseID: 1382618854 OtherID: 1378548500 JT: Zahedan Journal of Research in Medical Sciences MD: Moradan,17,4,,2015,General Versus Spinal Anesthesia in Laparoscopic Ovarian Cystectomy DOI: 10.5812/zjrms.17(4)2015.974(Journal) (4939624-N) DOI: 10.17795/zjrms974(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2015-07-27 09:45:06 ConfID: 4938595 CauseID: 1382445772 OtherID: 1378919345 JT: Zahedan Journal of Research in Medical Sciences MD: Ebrahimzadeh-Bideskan,17,3,,2015,The Effects of Ascorbic Acid and Garlic on Bone Mineralization in Lead Exposed Pregnant Rats DOI: 10.5812/zjrms.1280(Journal) (4938595-N) DOI: 10.17795/zjrms1280(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2015-08-01 08:10:35 ConfID: 4939619 CauseID: 1382618670 OtherID: 1378620944 JT: Zahedan Journal of Research in Medical Sciences MD: Ghaffari-Nejad,17,4,,2015,Factors Associated With Drug Non-Adherence After Discharge Among Patients With Mood Disorders Hospitalized in Shahid Beheshti Hospital in Kerman: A Prospective Study DOI: 10.5812/zjrms.17(4)2015.968(Journal) (4939619-N) DOI: 10.17795/zjrms968(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2015-07-27 09:31:44 ConfID: 4938594 CauseID: 1382445379 OtherID: 1378919322 JT: Zahedan Journal of Research in Medical Sciences MD: Goudarzi,17,3,,2015,Effect of Wound Dressing with Fresh Kiwifruit on healing of Cutaneous Wound in Rats DOI: 10.5812/zjrms.1274(Journal) (4938594-N) DOI: 10.17795/zjrms1274(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2015-08-01 08:06:19 ConfID: 4939618 CauseID: 1382618655 OtherID: 1378622364 JT: Zahedan Journal of Research in Medical Sciences MD: Dehghani Najvani,17,4,,2015,The Effect of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy on Depression and Psychological Flexibility in Women With Breast Cancer DOI: 10.5812/zjrms.17(4)2015.965(Journal) (4939618-N) DOI: 10.17795/zjrms965(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2015-08-01 08:04:43 ConfID: 4939617 CauseID: 1382618651 OtherID: 1378635194 JT: Zahedan Journal of Research in Medical Sciences MD: Emami,17,4,,2015,Comparison of Abdominal and Lumbar Muscles Electromyography Activity During Two Types of Stabilization Exercises DOI: 10.5812/zjrms.17(4)2015.963(Journal) (4939617-N) DOI: 10.17795/zjrms963(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2015-08-01 08:02:01 ConfID: 4939616 CauseID: 1382618645 OtherID: 1378549563 JT: Zahedan Journal of Research in Medical Sciences MD: Sabzi,17,4,,2015,Anterolateral Papillary Muscle Rupture Caused by Brucella Endocarditis DOI: 10.5812/zjrms.17(4)2015.979(Journal) (4939616-N) DOI: 10.17795/zjrms979(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2015-08-01 08:23:03 ConfID: 4939623 CauseID: 1382618845 OtherID: 1378619316 JT: Zahedan Journal of Research in Medical Sciences MD: Ghaffarinejad,17,4,,2015,Investigating the Dreaming Content of Migraineurs DOI: 10.5812/zjrms.17(4)2015.969(Journal) (4939623-N) DOI: 10.17795/zjrms969(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2015-08-01 08:20:07 ConfID: 4939622 CauseID: 1382618841 OtherID: 1378623569 JT: Zahedan Journal of Research in Medical Sciences MD: Momayyezi,17,4,,2015,Prevalence of Migraine and Tension-Type Headache in Yazd, Iran DOI: 10.5812/zjrms.17(4)2015.966(Journal) (4939622-N) DOI: 10.17795/zjrms966(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2015-08-01 08:16:45 ConfID: 4939621 CauseID: 1382618834 OtherID: 1378550613 JT: Zahedan Journal of Research in Medical Sciences MD: Khazaei,17,4,,2015,The Effect of Local Tramadol Injection in Post Appendectomy Pain DOI: 10.5812/zjrms.17(4)2015.973(Journal) (4939621-N) DOI: 10.17795/zjrms973(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2015-07-27 09:53:26 ConfID: 4938596 CauseID: 1382446377 OtherID: 1378919350 JT: Zahedan Journal of Research in Medical Sciences MD: Ahmadi,17,3,,2015,The Effects of Co-administration of Immobilization Stress and Aloe vera on Serum Carcinoembryonic Antigen in Rats DOI: 10.5812/zjrms.1281(Journal) (4938596-N) DOI: 10.17795/zjrms1281(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2015-08-01 08:13:06 ConfID: 4939620 CauseID: 1382618676 OtherID: 1378551387 JT: Zahedan Journal of Research in Medical Sciences MD: Lotfipur Rafsanjani,17,4,,2015,Comparison of the Efficacy of Massage and Aromatherapy Massage with Geranium on Depression in Postmenopausal Women: A Clinical Trial DOI: 10.5812/zjrms.17(4)2015.970(Journal) (4939620-N) DOI: 10.17795/zjrms970(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2015-07-27 10:03:30 ConfID: 4044110 CauseID: 1382446726 OtherID: 1377077403 JT: Zahedan Journal of Research in Medical Sciences MD: Elahdadi-Salmani,17,3,,2015,Reversal Effect of Coriandrum sativum Leaves Extract on Learning and Memory Deficits Induced by Epilepsy in Male Rat DOI: 10.5812/zjrms.24475(Journal) (4044110-N) DOI: 10.5812/zjrms.1279(Journal) DOI: 10.17795/zjrms1279(Journal)