Report date: Jan 21,2025 Conflict count: 358585 Publisher: Brieflands Title count: 39 Conflict count: 238 ========================================================== Created: 2018-01-23 07:42:49 ConfID: 5322337 CauseID: 1420677868 OtherID: 1404045337 JT: Shiraz E-Medical Journal MD: Masoompour,18,4,,2017,The Shiraz Adult Respiratory Disease Study, a Population-Based Survey: Rationale, Design and Methods DOI: 10.5812/semj.46398(Journal) (5322337-N) DOI: 10.5812/semj.44968(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2018-01-16 02:28:09 ConfID: 5319268 CauseID: 1420343611 OtherID: 1420343092 JT: Shiraz E-Medical Journal MD: Motlagh,19,suppl,,2017,Design and Implementation of a Mobile Application for Premature Babies DOI: 10.5812/semj.66346(Journal) (5319268-N) DOI: 10.5812/semj.66348(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2018-01-15 03:27:23 ConfID: 5319035 CauseID: 1420319469 OtherID: 1420318678 JT: Shiraz E-Medical Journal MD: Khammarnia,19,suppl,,2017,Comparing Gain and Loss Framed Message Texting (SMS) on Foot Self-Care Behaviors Among Women with Type 2 Diabetes DOI: 10.5812/semj.66301(Journal) (5319035-N) DOI: 10.5812/semj.66305(Journal)