Report date: Jan 21,2025 Conflict count: 358585 Publisher: American College of Physicians Title count: 2 Conflict count: 4 ========================================================== Created: 2020-02-17 18:30:43 ConfID: 5577468 CauseID: 1463549725 OtherID: 1463549724 JT: Annals of Internal Medicine MD: Kim,172,4,1,2020,Annals Story Slam - Voices of Medical Students and Residents: What Can Be Done to Build Trust DOI: 10.7326/W20-0013(Journal) (5577468-N) DOI: 10.7326/W20-0012(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2022-01-17 17:02:43 ConfID: 6409562 CauseID: 1518204305 JT: Annals of Internal Medicine MD: Patorno,175,1,4,2022,Sodium–Glucose Cotransporter-2 Inhibitors Versus Glucagon-like Peptide-1 Receptor Agonists and the Risk for Cardiovascular Outcomes in Routine Care Patients With Diabetes Across Categories of Cardiovascular Disease DOI: 10.7326/L21-0708(Journal) (6409562-N) DOI: 10.7326/L21-0709(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2023-06-20 17:14:17 ConfID: 6868518 CauseID: 1577771052 JT: Annals of Internal Medicine MD: ,116,12_part_1,1038,1992,The Nature of Suffering and the Goals of Medicine DOI: 10.7326/0003-4819-116-12-1038_2(Journal) (6868518-N) DOI: 10.7326/0003-4819-116-12-1038_1(Journal)